Hobby-related activities from the Community Activity Directory
Barton Growers Gardening Group (Tuesday 10:00-12:00)
Gardening group at St Mary's Church Barton, no gardening experience necessary - you can attend for a cuppa and a chat. Open throughout the summer.
Contact: [email protected] | Fiona: 07918463098 | Facebook message Website: facebook.com/bartonstmarys | stmarysbarton.com |
Cost: Free
Location: St Mary's Church, Barton Parking: Yes, free Public Transport: N8, 8, X3 buses |
City of Oxford Choir (Monday (term time only) 19:30-21:30)
An auditioning chamber choir of amateur singers, performing modern and traditional choral music. The Choir is committed to performing to a high standard, and therefore expect members to attend rehearsals regularly, to be able to sight-read, and to spend some time outside rehearsal learning music as necessary.
A group from all ages and walks of life who like to sing. Regular socials. |
Contact: [email protected]
Website: oxfordchoir.org/join Cost: £250/year, discounts available for under-25s and others who need it Location: All Saints Church Headington Parking: Limited Public Transport: Buses to Headington |
Coffee and Craft (Monday 10:30-12:30 term time)
Enjoy coffee and craft at St Mary's Church. No craft skills needed! A fun opportunity to make something, enjoy a coffee and have a chat.
Contact: [email protected] | Sam 07754 429055 Website: stmarysbarton.com |
Cost: £2 per session
Location: St Mary's Church, Barton Parking: Yes, free Public Transport: N8, 8, X3 buses |
"Crafty Crafters" Craft Club at Collinwood Road Church (Thursday 10:00-13:00)
The URC are running a weekly craft club every Thursday 10am-1pm, where like-minded crafters can meet together, share tips, and have fun exploring new activities. Light refreshments are provided. Children may attend but should be accompanied by an adult and remain the adult's responsibility at all times.
Contact: Andrena [email protected] | 07599 090425 |
Website: urccollinwood.org.uk/
Cost: Free Location: Collinwood Road URC, Risinghurst Parking: Yes, free Public Transport: Buses to Risinghurst turn; number 14 to Risinghurst; short walk from Thornhill Park and Ride |
Cygnets Art School (Saturday 9:00-10:00, often not half term weeks)
Weekly term-time art class teaching step-by-step, traditional drawing, painting and sculpture. Unique projects, experienced teachers, and professional quality materials. Age 5-12 groups are suitable for all abilities, and projects are designed carefully to be stimulating and challenging for everyone.
Contact: 07880 501 560 | [email protected] Website: cygnetsartschool.com/oxford |
Cost: £55 a term (a Cygnets term is 10 classes)
Location: Old Headington Village Hall, Dunstan Road. Classes are held in the Small Hall. This Small Hall is behind the building. Parking: Parking is available in the drive in front of the hall Public Transport: Closest bus stop is Manor Surgery stop J5 on Osler Road Accessibility: |
Headington Bowls Club (Tuesday 18:15, Wednesday 13:15-15:00)
The bowls season is from the 3rd week of April until 3rd week of September. In the winter, short mat is played in the club house on Wednesday afternoons and Friday evenings . Saturday Bingo night once a month.
Practise: Tuesday evenings throughout the summer until dark. Wednesday afternoon roll up. A mixed club with playing members from 12 to 85+ years. Anyone can join as a social or playing member; to start you just need a pair of flat shoes. There are 2 teams in the Oxfordshire Bowls League (men’s) which play on Thursday nights in the summer, with friendly games on Saturday afternoons. |
Contact: [email protected] | 01865 761340
Website: headingtonbowlsclub.co.uk/ Cost: Social membership is £12per year, playing member £75, under 18 yrs. £10. Students £37.50 Location: Green on Osler Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9BH Parking: Walk from Headington Pay & Display or St Leonard's Road car parks Public Transport: Buses to Headington or the John Radcliffe |
Headington Dog Training (Monday, Wednesday)
The aim of Headington Dog Training is to teach you to train your dog to be a happy, obedient and sociable pet. He/she will learn various exercises, designed to enable you to bring your dog under your control. Experienced Instructors use up to date methods incorporating reward and praise based training.
There are various different courses & classes including 1-to-1 |
Contact: [email protected] | 01865 450760
Website: headingtondogtraining.com/ Cost: Contact Headington Dog Training for information on cost of each class Location: Old Headington Village Hall Parking: Parking is available in the drive in front of the hall Public Transport: Closest bus stop is Manor Surgery stop J5 on Osler Road |
Headington Singers (Tuesday evening, 19:30-21:15)
Sing great choral music for the sheer love of it and attain a performance standard that inspires and entertains. An enthusiastic and friendly group who extend a warm welcome to new singers. No previous experience of choral singing is necessary, there are no auditions but you'll need some ability to follow a score.
It is best to sign up for the start of the term if possible. Numbers have been buoyant so there may be a waiting list. |
Contact: [email protected] | headingtonsingers.org.uk
Website: headingtonsingers.org.uk/wp1/ Cost: £50 a term (£40 if not on a wage or £15 for full-time students) Location: All Saints Church, Lime Walk Parking: Limited Public Transport: Short walk from London Road or Windmill Road bus stops |
Knit, Sew & Natter (Term time Tuesdays, 11:00-14:00)
Run by the Parasol Project, feel free to drop in or stay for the whole session.
No experience necessary - learn new skills together. Current projects include making reusable bags for food parcels and community bunting, but feel free to bring your own project too! Contact: 01865 742 816 | [email protected] Website: parasolproject.org/ |
Cost: Free but donations welcome
Location: Tower Playbase, Maltfield Road, Oxford, OX3 9RG Parking: Free 2hr parking Public Transport: Number 14 bus Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible with accessible toilet |
Knitting & Crochet (3rd Monday of month 11:00-12:45)
The Oxford branch of the Knitting & Crochet guild offer help with knitting and crochet, or simply a space to craft in the library’s conservatory.
Contact: [email protected] Website: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/ |
Cost: Free
Location: Headington Library conservatory, Bury Knowle House Parking: Limited parking for library users at Bury Knowle carpark, short walk from Headington Pay and Display carpark behind Waitrose Public Transport: Many buses through Headington |
Model Railway Club (Tuesday 19:00)
A social and active group of modellers and enthusiasts at all levels, with interests ranging from Z Gauge to Live Steam in Gauge 1, and covering all manner of subjects from the ever-popular Great Western to overseas railways.
As well as building and running trains, the club hosts annual Exhibitions. There are also frequent Saturday working parties |
Contact: Contact
Website: oxfordmrc.org.uk/ Cost: Location: Collinwood Road URC, Risinghurst Parking: Yes, free Public Transport: Buses to Risinghurst Turn, a short walk from Thornhill Park and Ride, Number 14 to Risinghurst |
Music Service, Oxfordshire County (Various days & times depending on group)
The Music Service has lots of groups for children and youth including:
Contact: 01865 816990 | oxfordshire.gov.uk/contactus/
Website: oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/music-service Cost: Varies Location: Centre for Music, Bayswater Road Parking: Yes Public Transport: 8City, 108, N8 to Barton stops or buses to Risinghurst Turn |
Shared Knitting (2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 13:30-15:00)
Knitting group: 4th Wed of the month (not December)
Sewing up group: 2nd Wed of the month 1.30 to 3pm Visitors welcome. Bring your own projects, or knit/crochet for one of the good causes the group supports locally, elsewhere in the UK, and abroad. There are some restrictions on what hospitals and baby groups will accept. Please ask for details if you are interested. |
Contact: [email protected] | 07803297233
Website: N/A Cost: Members who pay £20 p/a receive subsidised yarn Location: All Saints Church House Ground floor room, ramp, bike racks, accessible toilets Parking: Very limited Public Transport: Short walk from London Road Bus Stops |
Shotover Conservation Days (2nd Sunday of the month 09:30-14:00)
Meeting place notified by email prior to the day, so sign up if you want to attend. Tools and equipment provided, everyone welcome (no dogs), no previous experience needed. Stay for as long as you like. Information booklet here
Contact: [email protected] | 01865 874423 Website: shotover-wildlife.org.uk/conservation.htm |
Location: Shotover, meeting place notified by email Parking: Shotover carpark, includes bike racks Public transport: None close Accessibility: Shotover is a nature reserve with uneven surfaces, steps and some steep slopes. |
Studio Theatre Club (Monday & Thursday 19:30-21:00)
A friendly and informal group who enjoy each other’s company and love rehearsing and staging plays.
There are no auditions. If you come along and like what you see, you’re in. Plays are cast on the basis of informal readings. We also meet socially, for pub nights, meals, movie nights, cinema/theatre trips. But of course, ‘the play’s the thing’.... There’s lots more info about us and our current plans here: . If you’re interested, drop us an email first to check when the next meeting is. |
Contact: [email protected]
Website: www.studiotheatreclub.com Cost: £30 subscription Location: Bullingdon Community Centre, Peat Moors Parking: Limited Public Transport: near stops on 100, 10 and 15 bus. Get off at Wood Farm Road West stop (no. 10 bus route) or the Slade/Peat Moors stop (no. 15 and no. 100 bus) and approach via Peat Moors or Dene Road, then Bulan Road and Peat Moors. 5-minute walk from the 700 Park & Ride stop at the Nuffield Hospital. |
Teabooks (Tuesday, last of month, 13:45)
At present, the group is full so there is a waiting list - please get in touch with Teabooks directly if you would like to be added to the list.
TeaBooks is a sociable book group for over-60s, helping them to share a love of books and reading, and make new friends. The groups bring mental stimulation, friendship and laughter. Each group is led by a trained volunteer, who ensures everyone feels welcome and that the conversation flows. There is no expensive book buying as enough copies of the chosen book are borrowed from the library service, so everyone can read the same title and discuss it at the next meeting. |
Contact: [email protected]
Website: ageuk.org.uk/oxfordshire | livewell.oxfordshire.gov.uk Cost: £1 per session, first session free Location: Headington Library, Bury Knowle House, North Pl, OX3 9HY Parking: Limited parking at Bury Knowle, and a short walk from Headington Pay and Display Public Transport: Short walk from London Road Accessibility: Large print and audio books can be borrowed on request. Lift access to the left of the library as you face it, accessible toilet. |