Street parties have a long tradition in this country. They are a great way to meet neighbours, build a sense of community and belonging, and are fun for children who love playing in traffic free streets.
In recent years Oxford has seen more than most other UK cities and Oxford City Council has made them very easy to organise. For small street parties there is a road closure application fee of about £21 but usually there is no need to take out insurance.
Headington Action is happy to support your street party by paying the road closure application fee and up to a further £50 towards the cost of incidental expenses, such as printing.
Street parties can be held at any time. Obviously, Saturday and Sunday afternoons in the warmer months are the most preferred. There is no set date.
Headington Action can provide, at no cost, road closed signs and bunting. It also maintains some community resources, such a street games and PA system, which may be borrowed.
If you are interested in organising a street party see our Oxford guide here.
Helpful advice can be found in these websites:
For advice or to borrow equipment email [email protected] or call 07802215517.
Photographs taken at the 18-19 Sept 2021 Neighbours Day parties are here
Photographs taken at the 22-29 May 2022 Connected Communities Week parties are here